Play popular songs online on the flute without having one...!

In 1928 a new music book appeared on the German market: the "Liederfibel", written by the brothers Heribert and Johannes Grüger. Each note was represented by a small picture. This book soon became and is still a hugely popular companion of many generations of German children and was also a good friend during my childhood.

It is a pleasure for me to share the joy of music with kids from abroad. Of course, every culture disposes of its own treasure of children's songs, some of which are centuries old. Here is thus a small collection of some English children songs, set into interactive image maps.

On the page of each song you will find:

  1. an image map with picture-notes - follow the pictures with the mouse, and the song will be played on a flute, note by note!
  2. an audio file so that you can listen to the entire song at once.

Attention: Playing music in the interactive map currently only works in Firefox, Konqueror and Chrome but not in Internet Explorer.

Have fun!